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Celebrating a Grand Retirement: Eulene Roberts

by Madelyn McConnell

Imagine how much you can accomplish over the span of 21 years. We at Grand Savings Bank are incredibly grateful for the impact that Eulene Roberts has made on our GSB family for the past 21 years and the groundwork she laid for the success of our credit department. Eulene Roberts’ retirement is later this month, and we wanted to spend some time visiting with her about her time at Grand Savings Bank.

What is your fondest memory at GSB?

My fondest memories of my 21+ years with GSB are all the wonderful people I have worked with and whom I consider friends. Many of them I have worked with for years, while some have come and moved on to other opportunities. Some have passed on to the hereafter, also. The family atmosphere brought fun times as we worked, attended great Christmas parties, and participated in community events.

What has been the most challenging aspect of your career?

The most challenging aspect of my career has been balancing work life and personal life.  It is often a juggling act getting the job done and doing all the important things for family, church, and self.

As an employee of GSB, what are you most proud of?

I am proud to have worked for a company that has allowed employees to speak openly about God and family any day of the week. It means a lot to me that we open a dinner party with a prayer of thankfulness. We lean on God in times of illness or when our hearts have been broken from the loss of one of our own.  

As a member of the leadership team at GSB, what are you most proud of?  

I am proud to have been the first Credit Officer ever hired by GSB. I laid the groundwork for our credit analysis and narrative, and I pushed for conservative measures in order to reduce risk and loss in our loan portfolio. Many of the checklists, forms, and procedures I set in place were in use for many years.

What would you say your legacy is at GSB?

I hope to be remembered as a strong support employee that worked hard to keep the bank’s best interest in the forefront while serving the best interest of our customers. I’ve been told my legacy will be that I trained John Williams, but really, I just planted a seed and he grew into what he is today.

How would you describe your relationships with your colleagues?

Respect. I am so proud of the Credit Department. I have full confidence in all of them. They all bring their own strengths to the table and they mesh together as one strong unit. I expect great things from this team. John, Marc, Raegena, Jimmi, and Charles – I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader.

What advice would you give to other aspiring female leaders in the banking industry?

Work hard, keep your head, be kind to one another, and pray often. Don’t ever give up on your dreams.  

What do you plan on doing with your spare time once you’re retired?

I plan to travel more, spend more time with family, raise Corgi puppies, spend time on my hobbies. This includes sewing with fabric and leather and making jewelry.  If I have enough time, I may sort through some of our closets.

GSB congratulates Eulene Roberts’ retirement

Eulene, it has been such a pleasure working with you and we will miss you being here every day. Enjoy your retirement and come back to see us often!

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