Community Connections: Meet Devin Culver
by Madelyn McConnell
June 18, 2019
Grand Savings Bank is your community bank!
It’s more than just a catch-phrase to us. Like you, we live here, work here, and play here. We are neighbors, friends, and consumers, and we are excited to launch our new Community Connections series. This interview-style series is designed to introduce you to Grand Savings Bank staff and managers, to let you know about special events and activities, and to celebrate those things that make our communities so special.

For our inaugural interview, we sat down with GSB’s Fairland, OK Branch Manager, and Senior Loan Assistant, Devin Culver. A long-time member of the Grand Savings Bank family, Devin has one of those warm, friendly vibes that just attracts people to her. Always ready with a smile and a willingness to help however she can, Devin shared with us a few things that we didn’t know.
GSB: Tell our readers how long you’ve been with Grand Savings Bank, Devin.
Devin: I started with Grand Savings Bank as a senior in high school through the School-To-Work program in Grove. This August, I will celebrate my 21st anniversary with Grand Savings Bank.
GSB: What about your family?
Devin: I have a fabulous husband, Josh, and we have 3 children: Corrigan, 18; Remington, 15, and Ruger, 5.
GSB: Those of us who have worked with you know you have a special name for Josh. Tell us about that.
Devin: (smiling) You are talking about our “Big Daddy.” Josh and I got engaged when Corrigan, who is autistic, was 10. To celebrate, we decided to take the kids to Disney World. As we were rushing through the airport to catch our next flight, Josh was leading us through the crowd. Corrigan and Remi were in the middle, and I brought up the end. All of a sudden, I heard Corrigan say quite loudly, “Hey, Big Daddy.” Josh didn’t miss a beat; he just turned and responded as if were the most common thing in the world. That’s when I knew he was perfect for our family. The kids had already chosen a special name for him, and from that day to this, he’s called Big Daddy by all of our friends and family.
GSB: What do you do when you’re not working at GSB?
Devin: We have a farm and run beef cattle in Bluejacket, OK. All of us love to be outside and doing things as a family. Corrigan participates in Special Olympics events (bowling is his favorite). Remi is a barrel racer, so we are always at a jackpot somewhere. She is quite an accomplished rider. Ruger also rodeos. By age 4, he had already won 2 buckles! He also recently started playing T-Ball which is highly entertaining, if I do say so. It’s kind of like watching kittens chase after a laser pointer light. The kids and the farm keep us very busy, but in my spare time (meaning after my kids go to bed), I also bake custom cakes, cookies, and pies for special events.
GSB: You’ve been with Grand Savings Bank a long time, Devin. What are some of the jobs you’ve had?
Devin: Let’s see. I started with GSB as a courier in 1998, and I’ve seen a lot of changes and growth since that time. I was the very first scanner that GSB hired. Back then, we had so much paper documentation that had to be converted to digital as the technology changed. Over the years, I have done a little bit of everything. From Mail Clerk to Loan Check and Loan Payment Auditor, Lien Entry and EFS Clerk to Consumer and Mortgage Loan Payoff Processor, Customer Service Rep to Teller, at one time or another I’ve worked in every department at GSB. Most recently, I have worked with consumer and mortgage lending and branch management, and I am a GSB Grand Ambassador.
GSB: That’s a pretty incredible history. What do you like most about working at GSB?
Devin: I have literally grown up within this banking family. I started at GSB when I was 18 years old, and I have had many amazing mentors and friends who have guided my career path and helped me develop my knowledge over the years. They have been there for me both personally and professionally.
Many of my Grand Savings Bank family were there with me when my first-born went through two life-saving surgeries. They cried with me, prayed with and for me and my family. Janet Evans was my supervisor when I was pregnant with Remi. We were so close that I invited her to witness the birth of my daughter. I will never forget her showing up before my delivery because she was so excited.
I love that as a young person, those mentors saw potential in me and pushed me to step out of my comfort zone to apply for new positions. I remember Mike Blecha calling me into his office once and asking, “Why haven’t you applied for the consumer loan processor position, yet?” At the time, it wasn’t even on my radar, but Mike insisted that I could do it and that it was time for me to take the next step in my career. So, I applied, and he was right. My mentors, bosses, and friends never stopped encouraging me to succeed.
I love learning new things in all the different areas of banking, and so many of my supervisors over the years have played a huge part in my life and my career. I wouldn’t be where I am today if they hadn’t inspired me, pushed me, and passed on their knowledge. Now, I have the opportunity to pass all of it on to the staff here at Fairland. I love this team, and seeing them succeed and grow is what inspires me nowadays. It is such a great feeling walking in that door every day to a job I love and to people I admire and respect.
We are a community bank where life is GRAND and our team is empowered to deliver the best financial experience to our customers. For more information, visit