Make Your Holiday Season Special by Spending Local
by Madelyn McConnell
December 21, 2020
While it’s true that our holiday celebrations look and feel a little different this year, there are still plenty of great ways to spread cheer to those you love. Speaking of love, Grand Savings Bank loves local business owners, so we wanted to encourage our readers to shop local for your holiday gifts and also shed light on other ways to support local businesses. Obviously, retailers want you to shop with them, but below is a list of four additional actions you can take to make local business owners jolly with joy. Make your holiday season special by spending local!
Four Easy Ways to Support Local Businesses at the Holidays
Leave reviews on Google or Yelp.
Small businesses LOVE it when you leave a positive review. Not only does it bring a smile to their faces, but it improves the reputation of the business online. It will increase the store’s ranking on Google, making it more visible to potential customers. Plus, research has shown that consumers are more likely to buy from a store that has strong online reviews. It’s basically free marketing for them from you!
Engage with their social media.
Just like reviews, engaging with your favorite businesses on social media will make the credibility of that business stronger and your social connections may be more inclined to check out the shop if they see the positive engagement. Tag the business when you post a pic of your new purchase or share sale announcements. Make it fun, merry, and bright!

Order take out or delivery from local restaurants.
‘Tis the season for lots of cooking so take a break for one meal (or four) and order out from a local kitchen. If you’re stuck on where to go, just do a quick search for “local restaurants near me” and you’ll have lots of options in a dash(er).
Recommend spending local to friends and family.
Text your mom, IM your bestie, or shout it from the rooftops! However you want to share your recommendations, local businesses will be so grateful.
If you need more excuses for spending local this holiday season, read this GSB blog post from last month that shares our top 5 reasons to shop local and the impact it can have on your life and the life of your neighbors.