Tips for Growing House Plants
by Madelyn McConnell
February 18, 2021
Since we have all been spending more time at home these days, you might be wondering how to reinvigorate your now all too familiar spaces. House plants can be an easy and affordable way to breathe life into your home – literally and figuratively.
While any interior designer will tell you house plants enliven your decor, many species also improve the air quality in your home. And science shows house plants can also breathe life into you: research proves that house plants can both lower stress levels and make us more productive.
Whether you are ready to become a dedicated “plant parent” or are just working on turning a black thumb a skosh greener, here are some tips for growing house plants (and have fun doing it).
Set Yourself Up for Success
Half the battle with plant care is knowing what you’re getting yourself into. If you are looking for some hearty, low maintenance types, try the sansevieria, zz plant, and hoya varieties. These will adapt to nearly any light level and are extremely forgiving. Or try a succulent like an aloe plant; they thrive on neglect if you happen to be the forgetful type.
Get a Coach
So you’re beyond a beginner and ready to dig a little deeper? Instagram is a great resource for budding plant enthusiasts. Follow accounts like self-proclaimed “Plant Doctor” @botanictonic or @hiltoncarter for inspiration and care tips.
There’s even an app for that! With Planta, you can upload photos of each of your houseplants and the app tracks their care routines for you. It will even remind you when a plant needs watering, fertilizing, or repotting.
Make it Tasty
The quickest way to someone’s heart is through their stomach, and the same can be true for plant parents! For a little extra motivation, try growing edible plants. You don’t need a whole backyard garden bed to reap the culinary benefits; a simple planter on your kitchen window sill is perfect for herbs like basil, oregano, or mint. Pick up a pack of seeds and get the kids involved! It is a great science experiment for kiddos to watch seeds grow into sprouts (and maybe they’ll learn a lesson in responsibility along the way).
We’re getting in on the plant craze, too! If you need one last spark of inspiration, look no further than our GSB team. Our team’s plant babies – at home and in the office – provide a daily dose of cheer and motivate us to continue growing and serving you, our community. We hope you find these tips for growing house plants helpful. Plant away!